Wednesday Cool Links: RGB LED clock, Kin...

Solar botics
March 13, 2013

Here's another bunch of links for your viewing pleasure. Under the current meteorological conditions we wonder who would consider looking at screens, because, you know, real life takes over sometimes, especially when it is so nice outside, at least in our neighborhood.

A clock that uses sixty RGB pixels
Hey, we made that! Well, almost. This clock uses RGB LED Stringxels, Arduino, DS1307, light sensitive resistor and the Chronodot.
Microsoft Kinect Learns to Read Hand Gestures, Minority Report-Style Interface Now Possible
Kinect allows to track the body's posture as you move around, but until now it couldn't track the fine hand movements. Now it has that ability and that opens up a whole world of new applications.
An Arduino, music shield and an ultrasonic rangefinder are the basis of this clever music player that - again - uses hand gestures to control the volume. Never touch your music player again!
Prototype Triangle Numéro 1 wooden T-shirt by Pauline Marcombe
We've seen many things laser-cut, including wearable ones. Triangles of MDF assembled with wire make a perfect t-shirt, did you know? And it looks stunning, too.
HERB Learns to Separate Oreos, Probably Thinks Humans are Crazy
Teaching a robot to separate cream from the Oreo cookies is an absurdly awesome idea. The combination of control, precision, extra joints in Herb's arms and Oreo-detecting abilities allow to do that. Success!

So if you are less fortunate with weather or feel like staring at shiny pixels - visit us regularly, there's always something new to distract you from stuff, outdoors or in.


August 9, 2006
Another New Gearmotor - The GM19!

Here's a funky motor for you - the GM19! Slightly larger than the other metal gearhead series (GM11-14), and with a larger motor, this 35:1 beasty looks like a good contender for building mini-sumos or other small, speed-hungry robots! But be warned: It is a bit strange. The gearhead is mounted askew to the motor, […]

October 14, 2011
Supernova of Electronics

Here at Solarbotics, we like to celebrate things. And today we're remembering a supernova that took place in the Ophiuchus constellation and was observed by German astronomer Johannes Kepler back in 1604. That poor star, it was taken before its time. So to commemorate the memory of that star, (aptly named SN 1604, but we […]

January 23, 2015
Friday New Product: Grove Stuff

New today is the Grove series from SeeedStudio. What makes Grove different is that is very modular, making quick-prototyping quite rapid. Usually this is an expensive feature. The rule of thumb is "Price, Speed, Quality - pick any two", but Seeed has made the 3 curves match just right.

November 16, 2009
New Instructables!

Our clear breadboard was recently blogged on Makezine, which reminded me we juuuust about had an instructable ready for that same item. So, a few hours later, it is finished and posted. And while I was at it, I finished editing another Instructable by Jerome Demers, our intern. He did up a DIY Miniball instructable […]

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please visit for more information. This item was manufactured prior to August 31, 2018.

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