September 16, 2005
Tis National Talk Like a Pirate Day

Arrrrrrr....Tis the official “Talk Like a Pirate Day” this fine Septembarrrr the 19th. For all ye landlubberrrrs, thatÂ’s this Monday September the 19th. If ye be an unbeliever, check out the official site here. In celebrrration of this fine tradition, we be offerrring a special deal. Everyone knows that every good Pirate needs a good […]

February 5, 2005
Telephone Troubles...

In anticipation of our move to a new facility in a week or so, we've been getting the telephone company to tweak up our accounts. Which they've promptly managed to bung up nicely. If you're trying to get ahold of us and are getting "This number is not in service...", hang tough - all should […]

June 30, 2016
Closed July 1st For Canada Day

On Friday July 1st 2016 we are closed for Canada Day. We will return to our regular phone calls answering and shipping on Monday.

July 17, 2010
Review a Beetlebot, Other Tidbits

Whelp, it's just been one of those weeks.  When the Calgary Stampede gets into full swing, things get a bit crazy. Fireworks, pancake breakfasts and BBQ lunches, cowboy hats, questionable choice in music ("We got both kinds - country AND western!"), and all-around crazy people. So it's fairly safe to say that we don't have […]

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